Patronage Programme

Mandala artwork is from Anneke's Masters studies, depicting the imagined energy of one of the Seven Sisters stars of the Pleiades/Matariki

Being an artist is often considered a blessing and a gift. But what is it to be given a gift that is not essential to our basic worldly existence? 

At the basis of everyone’s existence, however, is the desire to be happy, to feel confident in one's place in life, inspired, joyful, safe and loved. This is the essence of what it is to be human, and this is the underlying ethos of Anneke Art’s work, to inspire love and light.

One doesn’t choose to be an artist, it chooses you. It is not something that one simply does, it is who the artist is; a creative being. Anneke has always known that being a creative being was not a conscious life choice.

At the beginning of 2020, Anneke made the bold and brave move to leave the security of corporate life to go back to art school to pursue her Master's degree. Anneke will be completing the final year of her research project in 2023.

Through her art practice, Anneke seeks to encourage people to feel good, inspired, present, grounded and at peace with themselves. Anneke knows art has the power to heal, and uplift one's essence guiding it to evolve. She is consistently striving to create art that comes from the soul and therefore speaks to the soul transposing this energetic and esoteric language that emulates from her work.

At the suggestion of friend and mentor Deborah McCormack, the Director of Scape Public Art for the last 20 years, Anneke has created a patronage programme, inviting supporters of the arts and namely Anneke’s art journey to be an intimate part of her creative process and journey.

By joining Anneke’s Art Patronage Programme you will have the opportunity to support Anneke’s inspirational and ambitious art projects as she embarks on the mission of taking her work to the world.

" Artistic Life is that of surrender "



  • 5 K patronage: A limited edition 600mm x 600m Mandala lightbox, an image of patron's choice.
  • 2.5K patronage: Limited edition signed Mandala 800mm round print.

Both levels:

  • A studio visit with Anneke Stewart the artist.
  • Exclusive preview of exhibitions and collections.
  • Recognition of patronage on websites, online platforms, and publicity materials. Where appropriate and at the discretion of the patron.
  • 10 x 297mm x 297mm square boxed prints signed and dated Mandala prints. Or 25 x unframed 297mm x 297mm square Mandala prints.
  • Personalised discount codes for the shop, on certain collections at the artist's discretion.
  • The Artist is also open to the arrangement of one-off donation between the Patron and the artist, with a tailored benefits package.
  • You can also support Anneke’s project via her Patreon page:

To magically entice and subtly ponder the mysteries of this beautiful universe we exist within. For the artwork to speak to ones soul and for the message to be intuitively absorbed. 

To be involved contact Anneke directly at or 021818014